FAQ: Lobster Lock: The First Attached Folding Bike Lock
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Are Folding Bike Locks Secure Enough for Me?

Great question. Folding bike locks provide great security for tons of situations. While no lock is theft proof, using a lock that allows you to properly secure your frame, wheel, and rack makes a huge difference in deterring prospecting bike thieves. For an unbiased perspective on the security of folding locks, check out https://www.asecurelife.com/best-bike-locks/

Last updated: November 09, 2018 10:25

Will it work on my bike?

As long as you have a waterbottle cage mount on your downtube, (2 screws a couple inches apart) Lobster Lock should work with your bike.

Last updated: November 09, 2018 10:25

Can I still have a water bottle cage with a lobster lock?

Unfortunately, for this first product launch, you will need to either move the water bottle cage to your seat tube if your bike has mounting bosses there, or go without your bottle cage mount. We designed Lobster Lock primarily for “townie” bikes and bike commuters, who seem to have less of a need for water on short rides than do weekend warriors looking to crank out intense milage.

Last updated: November 09, 2018 10:25

What if someone unscrews the lock from the downtube?

If it is properly locked through your frame, front wheel and bike rack, Lobster Lock forms a secure closed loop. This means that your bike will still be locked even if the base is unscrewed from your frame.

Last updated: November 09, 2018 10:25

What can I lock my bike to?

Lobster Lock is designed to be compatible with most every bike rack, parking meter, or fence post that you could reasonably attempt.

Last updated: November 09, 2018 10:25

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Current Estimated Shipping Date: April 2019

Hi Backers, So we are looking to be around 1 month delayed for a couple reasons. This pushes delivery from March 2019 to April. The reasons were: -Some confusion as to whether or not this product would be subject to the current administration's import tariffs. Once we were able to nail this down, the tariff ended up at only 5%, so we are looking good here. -The lock cylinder mechanism we initially chose turned out to be under an active patent. Because of this, we made one more machined prototype to be sure this quick change would go as planned, -Finally, while we were making this change, we decided to incorporate some of the feedback we got during the campaign into the final shipped product. Now, Lobster Lock can be mounted to the seat tube to lock the rear wheel, and your waterbottle holder can be mounted on top of Lobster Lock in either position. Lastly, our website thelobsterlock.com will be live shortly!

Last Updated At: 02/02/19 | See Kickstarter Update
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